Sunday, May 27, 2012

Installing Oracle Weblogic Server 11g 10.3.3 on Windows 7 64 Bit.

This WebLogic Server is the first step to install OBIEE 11g 64bit using “Software Only install” option. Download Weblogic 10.3.3 generic software (921mb) from the following link.

Make sure you have installed JDK 64bit on your computer before executing wls1033_generic.jar. To check version of java, execute “java -version” at the command prompt. It should look like the following screenshot.Once we have correct jdk installed, execute the wls1033_generic.jar file with the following command
java -Xmx1024m -jar wlsversion_generic.jar

This WebLogic Server is the first step to install OBIEE 11g 64bit using “Software Only install” option. Download Weblogic 10.3.3 generic software (921mb) from the following link.
 In this article we will cover the installation of Oracle weblogic server 11g 10.3.3 on MS Window 7.
We download the Oracle Weblogic server from here. We started the installer and will see at the beginning the initial loading. Wait until the loading of the installer completes.

Once the installer screen pops up click Next to continue.

We are prompted to enter the Middle Home type and the Middleware Home Directory. In the case is entered the d:\oracle\Middleware. Press Next to continue.

Enter the credentials to login into My Oracle support (formerly Metalink). You can skip the registration for security updates and the initiation of the Configuration manager. I will skip entering the credentials and will use smart update later. Smart update is invoked from bsu folder and is an executable file named bsu. Press Next to continue.

We are going to perform a single node installation and we select typical installation. Press Next to continue.

Select the directories for Oracle weblogic server install and press Next to continue.

Select the recommended option to create shortcut on all admin users. Press Next to continue.

Review situated on the installation summary the components pending install. When comfortable press Next to continue.

Wait until install completes and press Next to continue.

Check the quick start and press Done to launch the Quick Start.

As this is a fresh install of the Oracle WebLogic server 11g 10.3.3 select “Getting started with WebLogic Server 10.3.3″

As this is a fresh installation select “Create a new WebLogic domain” and then press Next to continue.

Select to “Generate a domain configured automatically to support the following products:” and check the check boxes within the category. Press Next to continue.

Enter the name and the location of the domain and press Next to continue.

Configure the Administrator user name and password and press Next to continue.

Configure the WebLogic domain startup mode and select the JDK. We select the Development mode and select Sun SDK. Press Next to continue.

Select the optional configuration. Although this section can be left blank for information purpose we will delve and zoom in into the details.
Check all check boxes and press Next to continue.

In the “Configure the Administration Server” screen select the name, IP address, http and/or https ports depending on availability of enabled SSL

Select the JMS Distributed Destination type and press next to continue.

Select an additional managed server. Select listen location (lP addresses) and the regular and SSL listen ports if SSL is enabled. Press Next to continue.

We will skip cluster configuration. This is an option for High Availability. Live screen blank and enter Next to continue.

In the configure machines specify the hostname properties (hostname, IP address and port) on the machine where the install takes place. Press Nest to continue.

Assign servers to the machines. Press Next to continue.

Assign a target services to the select servers and cluster. Press Nest to continue.

Configure JMS file stores and press Next to continue.

On the next screen the Oracle database security store can be configured. We will leave it blank for the moment and will press Next to configure.

We are presented the configuration summary screen to review. If this is what we have been looking for Press Next to continue.

Select start admin server and wait until the installation completes. Then press Done to continue.

We start the web logic server and go to the URL to login into the Oracle Web logic server.

We login using the credentials that we specified when asked to specify new Oracle WebLogic Server domain and user credentials. Press Login to continue.

We can navigate into Oracle web server installation to verify that the installation succeeded.

That concludes Oracle Weblogic Server installation.
For further information please click here.

Satya Ranki Reddy

Make sure you have installed JDK 64bit on your computer before executing wls1033_generic.jar. To check version of java, execute “java -version” at the command prompt. It should look like the following screenshot.
Once we have correct jdk installed, execute the wls1033_generic.jar file with the following command

java -Xmx1024m -jar wlsversion_generic.jar

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Upgrade OBIEE to

The process to upgrade OBIEE the latest version is rather simple. Oracle has a greatguide to move from 1.3 or 1.5 to 1.6 here

However, few of the steps can be skipped if you are starting fromversion
For demonstration purpose, we useSampleApp v107 VirtualBox image as a starting point. All commands andpaths below are UNIX based. See Oracle guide for Windows equivalentcommands and paths. If you want to follow along, please download andconfigure OBIEE SampleApp v107 (Links are provided underReference section). Video of the whole process is also provided atthe end of this post.
Let’s get started.
Step0: Only applicable to VM machines:
Take a snapshot of the VM in caseanything goes wrong, you can revert the machine back to its workingcondition.
Step1: Pre-upgrade tasks:
Stop Weblogic Servers and OPMN Managedservices. Back up directories. If the VM is just powered up and youdid Step 0, skip this step.
Since OBIEE came with Weblogic10.3.5, you do not have to patch Weblogic.
Step2: Run the Installer:
  • Go to Disk1 folder inside the installation package folder
  • Run the following
Skip Software Update, and then selectSoftware Install Only
Once Prerequisite Checks are done, thenext screen will show your system’s current Middleware and OracleHome. If not, select the proper locations.
Click Next until you get toSummary screen and click Install. The installationshould start and complete in around 15 minutes.
Step3: Upgrade schemas using Patch Set Assistant:
You only need to upgrade MDS andBIPLATFORM schema.
  • Change your folder to Middleware/oracle_common/bin folder
  • Run the following command
Check Oracle Business Intelligencebox and click Next 
Check the two prerequisite boxes andclick Next
Put in your database connection stringand SYS account/password. Note: for DBA User Name, you have toconnect as SYSDBA (i.e: SYS AS SYSDBA).
Click Connect to test theconnection and then type in the MDS schema’s password. Click Next 
Type in BIPLATFORM’s password andclick Next until you get to Upgrade Summaryscreen.Click on Upgrade.

Step 4: Upgrading System Components

Start up Weblogic and all BI Services.
Set ORACLE_HOME environment variable toyour Oracle_BI1 folder
Run the following command:
The script will prompt for Weblogicpassword few times. At the end, it will indicate the upgrade issuccessful. 

Step 5: Updating Configurations and Stores:

Stop BI Services and Weblogic.
Start WLST
Runthe following WLST command:
Thescript should come back with the message “Upgrade of opssconfiguration and security stores is done.”
Now reboot the box and verify you havejust successfully upgraded to version 

Let us know in the comments if you haveany questions.
Satya Ranki Reddy.

OBIEE  and 64 bit(Enterprise Install)  


                                                                                      By Satya Ranki Reddy

Please download software below link:

Here is the detailed and step by step process for OBIEE 11g Installation..

Create a separate Database Schema before installing 11g.

Unzip rcuhome folder and run rcu.bat file

Specify all database details and give the user name and pwd of the Database Schema we created earlier.

Goto OBIEE setup folder and run the setup file.

Specify a location for installation (D:\OBIEE11G in my case)

Choose Auto Port Configuration if you want the default port numbers (prefer this if you don't have obiee 10g installed in your system)

If you have 10g installed in your machine and need to specify different ports, choose: "Specify Ports using Configuration File"

Locate the "staticports" text file which contains the below script or you can directly copy the script using view/edit file option.

#The Domain port no. This is the listen port of WeblogicAdminserver for the domain.
Domain Port No = 6001

#The "content" port for the BIEE apps. This is the Weblogic Managed Server port on which BIEE applications are deployed.
Oracle WLS BIEE Managed Server Port No = 8704

#The SSL port for the Weblogic Managed Server
Oracle WLS BIEE Managed Server SSL Port No = 8804


#Process Manager Local port no
Oracle Process Manager Local Port No = 6700

#Process Manager Remote port no
Oracle Process Manager Remote Port No = 6701

#Process Manager Request port no
Oracle Process Manager Request Port No = 6702


#The listen port for OracleBIServer component 
Oracle BI Server Port No = 8703

#The monitor port for OracleBIServer component 
Oracle BI Server Monitor Port No = 8701

#The listen port for OracleBIPresentationServices component 
Oracle BI Presentation Services Port No = 8710

#The listen port for OracleBIScheduler component 
Oracle BI Scheduler Port No = 8705

#The monitor port for OracleBIScheduler component 
Oracle BI Scheduler Monitor Port No = 8708

#The script RPC port for OracleBIScheduler component 
Oracle BI Scheduler Script RPC Port No = 8707

#The listen port for OracleBIClusterController component 
Oracle BI ClusterController Port No = 8706

#The monitor port for OracleBIClusterController component 
Oracle BI ClusterController Monitor Port No = 8700

#The listen port for OracleBIJavaHost component
Oracle BI JavaHost Port No = 8810