Thursday, October 4, 2012

OBIEE 10g Logon Screen Customization

You can customize the OBIEE Logon screen as per your company logo and other standards like color, style etc.
1. Logon background Image change – Logon.css
2. Logon Headline text change – ProductMessages.xml
3. User ID and Password request text change – LogonMessages.xml
4. Copyright content change – Utilmessages.xml
When you install your OBIEE 10g, you will see the below as the default OBIEE logon screen. You can customize it as per your company standards. Let us see how to change all of these components.

Logon background Image change – Logon.css
I have posted an article earlier on how to change the OBIEE logon background image. Pleaes  to check the article in my blog.
Logon Headline text change – ProductMessages.xml
You can change the headline text and format.
1. Change the Logon Text:
Go to “OracleBIwebmsgdbl_enmessages” and open the ProductMessages.xml file in edit mode and edit the text as shown below;

2. Change the Logon Text format:
First, follow the post on how to change the logon background image here and change the formatting style in logon.css file in “D:OracleBIwebappressk_santoshb_mozilla_4. (sk_santosh is a copy of sk_oracle10 folder). Copy the logon.css file after changing the color code as shown below and paste the file in “D:OracleBIoc4j_bij2eehomeapplicationsanalyticsanalyticsressk_santoshb_mozilla_4” folder.

User ID and Password request text change – LogonMessages.xml
To change the User ID and Password request text, go to “OracleBIwebmsgdbl_enmessages” and open the logonmessage.xml file in edit mode and edit the text as shown below;

Copyright content change – Utilmessages.xml
To change the copyright content of the logon screen, go to “OracleBIwebmsgdbl_enmessages” and open the logonmessage.xml file in edit mode and edit the text as shown below;

But, do not change this content as this is copyright content by Oracle.
Run the presentation services and logon to OBIEE, a new world will open with all the above changes.

Satya Ranki Reddy

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