Friday, March 29, 2013

Write Back

Write Back Implimentation on OBIEE 11g Step by Step

I have seen several posts for writeback implementation on OBIEE 11g. Here am providing step for write back implementation.
created table 

Create table policy_details
(policy_id  number(20) not null,
LOB varchar2(20),
constraint policy_id PRIMARY KEY (policy_id) );
looks like below screen

Import Policy_details table into RPD and create Alias for it and join each other using Policy_Id key column

  Uncheck the cacheable option --> physical layer -RPD table(Policy_details)


Make write able on necessary  columns in BMM Layer(Double click on column) like below.

Make sure table permission read and write radio button in presentation Layer.

Double click on the table name in presentation layer(Policy_details) and then click on permissions and then choose Read/Write options for Authenticated User and BIAdministrator,Weblogic.

Note: Must choose Read/Write option for Bi Administrator,Web logic user as well.


And also Double click on the necessary columns and choose Read/Write options in Presentation Layer

Execute Direct DB request access give it required Application roles/users

  Add writeback tag in instanconfig.xml file refer the below,

C:\OBIEE11G\instances\instance1\config\OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent\coreapplication_obips1\ instanceconfig.xml (please take a back and do the changes) 



  Restart all bi components by using OPMN command

 Login to UI


Manage Privileges --> grand permission likes below

Create Analysis 


Enable Write Back check box on Policy_ID Column properties
It looks like

Edit the table properties and do the below

and save the changes.

 Find the column id reference and note it finally you have to update on your Write Back.xml file

Go to edit analysis then Click on the advanced tab of the analysis


Here under the Analysis XML box we want to note down all the column Id's that we will be using to populate the Write back table with
Make a note of the column Ids for the required columns. These will be used in the WriteBack.xml file after update this you need to restart OPMN Services via opmnctl command


We can use column positions also like @1 for column1 and so on

Create XML file as below and place it in

Note: Need to create custom Messages folder  

file name : WriteBack.xml and kept it below paths

Note :This file name should match the Template Name in Table Properties



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<WebMessageTables xmlns:sawm="">
   <WebMessageTable lang="en-us" system="WriteBack" table="Messages">
      <WebMessage name="satya">
            <writeBack connectionPool="Connection Pool">
                 <insert>SELECT NULL FROM DUAL</insert>
                <update>UPDATE policy_details SET policy_id = @{c4c8d3c64f4ff47c7} WHERE LOB =

restart bi components (if any changes on your xml file)

 Login into UI

  Verify  modifying the data in policy_id column and then click on update will update the modified data into the Database

Note: similarly you can try for insertion/deletion write back comments

Hope this help's

Satya Ranki Reddy

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Horizontal Scaling

Horizontal Scaling OBIEE 11g

Horizontal scaling in OBIEE means adding more Business Intelligence Components to a separate computer to make use of the hardware resources.

On the new server copy the setup files for OBIEE and then run the Installer. Select Enterprise Install and then select Scale Out BI System option.

Here fill out the host name where the primary setup is installed and the port number for the web logic is listening.

The installer gives and option to place the Domain Home , Applications Home and Instance

Select the option to auto allocate the ports or to give a preference for the port.

Review the summary and confirm the Installation.

After the confirmation the installer copies the relevant files to the directories.

Now the scale out process is completed successfully.

Instance 2 is added and you can see it under the fusion middle-ware console.

Hope this help's

Satya Ranki Reddy


Difference between Vertical Scaling and Horizontal Scaling.

I have seen several posts in OTN forum, how to configure Cluster on OBIEE 11g

If you’re worked with the 10g release of OBIEE and tried to set up a cluster, you’ll know it’s a fairly involved task and one that requires a lot of manual setup (satya ranki reddy postings on 10g clustering), in 11g, setting up OBIEE for high availability and clustering is a much more straightforward process, partly through improvements in manageability and partly through the move to Web Logic Server.

OBIEE 11g supports 2 kinds of clustering:-

1. Vertical Clustering

2. Horizontal Clustering

Vertical Clustering – Within server we can add multiple instances of BI Server, Presentation Services etc.

Horizontal Clustering – If we are going to implement horizontal clustering then we need multiple boxes for multiple instances of BI Server, Presentation Services etc

Here am going to provide configuration steps for Vertical Clustering:

Vertical Clustering is new to 11g as this is something that 10g did not support (though there were unsupported work-around available). Vertical Clustering is preferred in cases where we want to make optimal use of the hardware & provide fault tolerance. This does not provide high availability when the server itself goes down. In this type of clustering generally 3 components are clustered

1. BI Server

2. BI Presentation Services

3. Java Host

That is, all the components that can act in active-active configuration can be clustered in Vertical Clustering. Other components like Scheduler, Cluster Controller which work in active-passive fashion are generally not clustered vertically.
In this blog entry we will be looking at how Vertical Clustering is done. One important point to note is, the concepts of clustering itself haven’t changed much.
We start with logging into the enterprise manager FMW control and navigating to the deployment section. Since we are doing vertical clustering, we do not need to have a shared drive for the repository & the web catalogs. But again its better to identify a drive that can potentially be shared in the future with other machines as Vertical Clustering does not provide high availability (for future migration to horizontal clustering).
Once the drive is identified (one for RPD and the other for Web Catalog), copy the web catalog to the shared drive. In the deployment section of the Enterprise Manager, enter the shared directory details of both the RPD and the Web Catalog. Upload the repository (RPD) into the shared drive using the enterprise manager.

Access the Fusion Middle ware Control 11g. Select core application under Business Intelligence and select Capacity Management. Go to Scalability tab and click Lock and Edit Configuration. Now the Enterprise Manager will allow editing the values.

This will automatically create new instances(within the main instance) in BI EE for both the BI Server and Presentation Server(after Activating the changes). We can validate this by looking at the number of directories under {ORACLEINSTANCE}/bifoundation/OracleBIServerComponent and {ORACLEINSTANCE}/bifoundation/OracleBIPresentationServerComponent

You can see 2 new directories created for the new BI Server and Presentation Server that we added through the EM. Lets now start these new components through the capacity management interface

recommendation action changes to two options. i.e, either to Scale Out further by adding more process or by moving the process to a new server.

The process got added and all the relevant configuration files are added. opmn is now aware of the additional component.

I will post  Horizontal Clustering shortly !!!!.

Hope this help's

Satya Ranki Reddy

OBIEE 11g Client Installation

OBIEE 11g client Installation 

 OBIEE 11g client is the same thing as Oracle BI Administration Tool. Generally we speak about the Oracle BI Administration Tool.
Here is an image of the Oracle BI Administration Tool (OBIEE 11g client):
Oracle BI Administration Tool Installation (OBIEE 11g client installation) : client interface
Oracle BI Administration Tool Installation (OBIEE 11g client installation) : client interface

Here are the steps to install the Oracle BI Administration Tool ( OBIEE 11g client ):
First, you have to download the OBIEE client software
    Here is the link used for downloading the OBIEE client software:
    Oracle BI Administration Tool Installation (OBIEE 11g client installation) : Oracle Business Intelligence Downloads
    Oracle BI Administration Tool Installation (OBIEE 11g client installation) : Oracle Business Intelligence Downloads

From this link I have chosen the 11g version. So, if you want to download it, click on it !
Oracle BI Administration Tool Installation (OBIEE 11g client installation) : Oracle Business Intelligence 11.1.1.x Downloads
Oracle BI Administration Tool Installation (OBIEE 11g client installation) : Oracle Business Intelligence 11.1.1.x Downloads

From this page you have to download the "Oracle Business Intelligence Developer Client Tools Installer". You you get a zip file named .
I will unzip it on my Desktop into OBIEE-client folder. You will get a file named biee_client_install.exe like in the following picture:
Oracle BI Administration Tool Installation (OBIEE 11g client installation) : biee_client_install.exe self-extractor
Oracle BI Administration Tool Installation (OBIEE 11g client installation) : biee_client_install.exe self-extractor
Double-click on the file.
If you will receive the message "The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this software ?" you can click on "Run".
Oracle BI Administration Tool Installation (OBIEE 11g client installation) : Publisher message
Oracle BI Administration Tool Installation (OBIEE 11g client installation) : Publisher message
This screen will appear:
Oracle BI Administration Tool Installation (OBIEE 11g client installation) : InstallAnywhere
Oracle BI Administration Tool Installation (OBIEE 11g client installation) : InstallAnywhere
... and after that, the next one:
Oracle BI Administration Tool Installation (OBIEE 11g client installation) : Introduction
Oracle BI Administration Tool Installation (OBIEE 11g client installation) : Introduction
Click on "Next". The following screen will appear :
Oracle BI Administration Tool Installation (OBIEE 11g client installation) :  Choose Installation Folder
Oracle BI Administration Tool Installation (OBIEE 11g client installation) :  Choose Installation Folder
I will choose the location for the OBIEE 11g installation on D:\obiee-11g-client . Click on "Next".
The following screen will appear :
Oracle BI Administration Tool Installation (OBIEE 11g client installation) : Choose Shortcut Folder
Oracle BI Administration Tool Installation (OBIEE 11g client installation) : Choose Shortcut Folder
You can let the text as it is "Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Plus Client" (it's what I will do), or you can give it a better (shorter) name as "OBIEE Plus Client" for instance". Click on "Next". The following screen will appear :
Oracle BI Administration Tool Installation (OBIEE 11g client installation) : Pre-Installation Summary
Oracle BI Administration Tool Installation (OBIEE 11g client installation) : Pre-Installation Summary
Click on "Install".
After that you can see how the installation is running:
Oracle BI Administration Tool Installation (OBIEE 11g client installation) : OBIEE 11g client installation progress 1
Oracle BI Administration Tool Installation (OBIEE 11g client installation) : OBIEE 11g client installation progress 1
Oracle BI Administration Tool Installation (OBIEE 11g client installation) : OBIEE 11g client installation progress 2
Oracle BI Administration Tool Installation (OBIEE 11g client installation) : OBIEE 11g client installation progress 2
When the OBIEE 11g client installation is done, you will see the following screen:
Oracle BI Administration Tool Installation (OBIEE 11g client installation) : Install Complete
Oracle BI Administration Tool Installation (OBIEE 11g client installation) : Install Complete
Click on "Done".
The Oracle Installer will prompt you to configure the Data Source for the OBIEE 11g client. After you configure the Data Source for the OBIEE 11g client you can play with the Oracle BI Administration Tool (OBIEE 11g client). One tine you get the Oracle BI Administration Tool (OBIEE 11g client) working.

Satya Ranki Reddy

Report Freeze

Freeze Column headers in OBIEE 11g(

We have a new feature in OBIEE that freezes the data column header. So when a user scrolls down to the bottom of the report, the column header stays in place and only the data rows move. This is similar to the ‘Freeze Panes’ option in MS Excel.
By default this Freeze option is not enabled. We need to turn ON by adding set of attributes in  instanceconfig.xml file under <Views> element, between <GridView>… </GridView> class.
To do this..
Navigate to the path “<MiddlewareHome>\instances\instance2\config\OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent\coreapplication_obips1″ and open instanceconfig.xml file  and add the below entry between <Views> and </Views> tag
The entry in instanceconfig.xml should looks as below screenshot.

Note: Here I am enabling the Column Header freeze option with the Scroll bar if my request contains more than 200 records.
E.g. in Table view and Pivot view

I configured for 200 rows, So..what happens if the record count increases after 200 records?
We can click on “Get more rows” to get more rows as shown in below screen.

Satya Ranki Reddy