Thursday, March 14, 2013

Saschinvoke in obiee 10g/11g on Windows/Linux/Unix.

Saschinvoke is the command line utility in obiee to invoke Jobs in obiee scheduler. Typical use of this 

command involves invoking cache seeding ibots at the end of nightly etl loads.

OBIEE 10g :

Windows location path

OBIEE 10g:     OracleBI_HOME\server\Bin

Unix Location Path:  /u01/OBIEE11g/OracleBI_HOME\server\Bin

This command was invoked by passing the username of administrator and password as parameters.

$saschinvoke -u Administrator/password -j 1


Windows Path :
The command  was invoked by passing the username of Weblogic and password as parameters. 

$echo password|saschinvoke -u weblogic -j 1

Note: note the use of pipe character |. No space between | and the password.


You can implement is your requirement chain ibot also using conditional request. 

The alternative for command line execution , uses the 'saschinvoke' which is Siebel Analytics Scheduler Invoke. :
Usage: SASchInvoke.exe -u <Admin Name>/<Admin Password>
(-j <job id>
-i <iBot path>)
([-m <machine name>[:<port>]]

-p <primaryCCS>[:<port>] -s <secondaryCCS>[:<port>])
([(-r <replace parameter filename>
|-a <append parameter filename>)]
| [-x <re-run instance id>])
[-c <SSL certificate filename>
-k <SSL certificate private key filename>]
[-w <SSL passphrase>|-q <passphrase_file>|-y]
[-h <SSL cipher list>]
[-e <SSL verification depth>]
-d <CA certificate directory>
-f <CA certificate file>
[-t <SSL trusted peer CNs>]

Satya Ranki Reddy


  1. Hi Satya,
    I need to configure ssl/https in oc4j on obiee 10g

    1. Hi,

      I didn't get what exact you looking from my end.


  2. Hi Satya,
    I need to run an agent before data load and another one in after data load. So i can execute the SASchinvoke cmd in first work flow of informatica and last workflow of informatica. But after last agen is run, first agent should disappear from alerts section.
    one more doubt i have is, if we do SASchinvoke all the agents will run right!!??? can we restrict it to specific agent.
    Please mail me your ideas on

  3. can you give for 12c same as above please
