Saturday, May 25, 2013

Linux 64bit OBIEE installation


Hardware Requirements:
Hardisk required around 40gb (Including installation files etc)
Ram = 4gb minimum
Download of Installation Files:

Libraries for this installation are available from here if any are missing:

Xming installation has already been completed the instructions can be found on a separate
Xming is used to render the graphical interface from the Linux Server that you will be
installing OBIEE on.

Pre Requisites:

On Linux, running Oracle Business Intelligence Installer as the root user is not

Make sure there is a user available with the oinstall group and dba group memberships

Create MiddlewareHome Directory in a location where there is sufficient space available

Use the command df –h to check space available to you for the install and space for the
installation files.

When you have found the directory where you would like to install then create a middleware

Creation of the Middleware Home directory:

mkdir -p /Middleware

chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01/satya//Middleware

chmod -R 775 /u01/satya//Middleware

When installation starts it will run a pre-req check on the system to make sure all libraries
needed for the install are available. You can either use YUM or the above link in the document
to download the required libraries identified during the pre-req check.

Libraries for Linux Redhat:

If Libraries need to be installed cancel the install – Download and install the libraries using the
commands below

Install :



Set the Ulimit Parameters (Soft and Hard Limits)

set the /etc/security/limits.conf file

oracle soft nofile 4096
oracle hard nofile 65536

If you have set the Ulimits in the conf file above then the Linux instance will need a bounce for
the settings to be set on boot up.

Temporarily to run install you can execute the below command as installation user

To see if you have set the ulimit correctly the command to use is : ulimit –a

ulimit -a|grep open

If you don’t set the Ulimit parameter you will get a fail on the OBIEE installation pre req
checks like below

Click cancel and start again by setting the U LIMIT

Creating an RCU on Database:

As we are running OBIEE on Linux 64 Bit platform we have to create the RCU from a
Windows Machine. We are using windows 7 for this. This utility can be run any time prior to
the OBIEE installation and the Database user must have sysdba privilege on the required
Database. Database version we are using is 11G


Start the rcu.bat

Refer my blog for RCU installation:    ( Scroll down little bit you will find the RCU installation step by step) --- RCU installation similar to all environment). 

OBIEE Installation:

Unzip the installation files on the Linux box

When you issue the first unzip command it will create a bishiphome directory and with in

create sub directories for the disks

If you do not have enough disk space on the Linux box you can keep deleting the installation

zip files after you unzip them

Below are the commands for unzipping the installation files

• unzip
• unzip
• unzip
• unzip
• unzip

Start the Installation process

Please refer to the xming document on how to start the service on the linux box for the GUI to
render on your windows computer. You can do silent installation but you will still need to
render the GUI so you can get a one off silent install script.

Start the xhost command on ther server

export DISPLAY= (youripaddress:0:0)


Navigate to the following directory on the server


Initiate the installation by giving the following command on the server


If the xhost is set up correctly then you should see the installation window popping up on your
windows machine as below

Specify Inventory Directory

Click Ok

Tick Continue and OK

Installer Starts Main GUI for Installation.

Step 1 : Installer release Notes etc

Click Next

Step 2 : Software Updates

Skip Software Updates and Click Next

Step 3: Installation Type : Enterprise Installation

Click Enterprise Install and Click Next

Step 4: The Prequisite checks start here

If any pre –req checks fail ( Then cancel correct them and restart the installer) . If all ok then
click Next.

Step 5 : Weblogic User and Scale Out

Fill in Weblogic Passwords and Click Next

Step 6: Specify Installation Location

Point to Middleware Directory Created earlier on install guide. And Click Next

Step 7: Select Components to Install

Click Next

Step 8/9: Fill in Database Details related to RCU Created

The same for MDS and & BIPLATFORM schemas created in RCU Process.
Fill in Database Type : Oracle Database
Connect String : Description as above
BIPLATFORM : Schema as created when creating RCU and password used and click Next
Click Next for MDS Schema as defaults.

Step 10: Auto Port Configuration

Click Next

Step 11: Oracle Security Updates

Untick support box as above and click next

Click Yes

Step 12: Generate a Response File (Silent Install File) & Summary

Here you can generate a response file (Silent Install File) Click save and save to a location for
another installation if needed.

Click Install

Step 13: Installation Has Started Copying Of Files

Install stage of copying files has started, post install scripts and one off patches etc.
Once at 100% the copying is complete.

Step 14: Installation Has Started Configuring OBIEE

This is where the Installer is Configuring OBIEE and weblogic and Fusion
Middleware etc.
Make sure everything is Success, Everything will be working as expected.
Click Next
Step 15: Installation Result Summary Screen

Save the Completion Summary to the box and copy all the URL’s Needed etc to launch
That’s it for the installation . Run the EM make sure everything is ok. If not go into Weblogic
and start any other deployments needed.
Click Finish
Browser Path – Just Ignore it

Ignore this .. Just click Cancel
If Xming window is stuck after cancel then that’s fine. Just close it.
Test your URL’s from your completion summary and everything is up and running. Next is the
customization and security aspect.
Linux Bash Profile Example:

# .bash_profile
# File Descriptor Limit
ulimit -n 10240
# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
# User specific environment and startup programs
export NLS_LANG
export TNS_ADMIN=/u01/MiddlewareHome/Oracle_BI1/network/admin
export JAVA_HOME=/u01/MiddlewareHome/Oracle_BI1/jdk/bin
export MW_HOME=/u01/MiddlewareHome
export DOMAIN_HOME=$MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain
export WL_HOME=$MW_HOME/wlserver_10.3
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/MiddlewareHome/Oracle_BI1
export PATH

Hope this help's

Satya Ranki Reddy