Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Header on the measures - OBIEE pivot table view

Note that this exercise has been carried out using OBIEE 10g version on Paint subject area and Workaround is tested only in IE.

Aim is to put the Customized Header on the measures.

Let us start with simple Paint analysis. Look at the pivot table view. See the NOTE.

Now in the MICROSOFT PAINT TOOL - I am going to create one customized header with the help of the pivot view shown above. 

( Note :  Single border - Black , BgColor- RGB(207,224,241), Verticle Separation line - Blue)

( In your case you will have to adjust the width of this header. You can customize the background if you want to. )  

So this is our Header. ( IMG1.png)

I have put this image (IMG1.png) at 2 places.




Restart the OBI services. Log in to OBIEE application. Refresh the metadata. Clean the IE Browser cache. 

Go to the criteria of the pivot table view. 
AND ADD ANY TEXT COLUMN to the report. Here I have added column "Region" -->

Edit its column formula as shown below. 

Now click on the column properties of column Region and go to data format - Click on custom text format.

@[html]<img src="res/s_oracle10/images/IMG1.png"></img>

( In your case image name may be different ) 

OK OK SAVE the changes. :-)

Open the Pivot table view and put the column Region to the "Column" section. 
Also add the border to this column - ( I am using Thick - purple colored border -- )

Do look at the position of column Region - It is placed above the "Measure Lebels"


Look at the report.

Satya  Ranki Reddy

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